

Creating and Leveraging Effective Mentoring Relationships

Those who make it don’t do it alone. The most effective employees are those who know how to seek and gain the assistance that they need. The ability to build and maintain effective mentoring relationships is a core critical leadership competency. Changes in career trends and conditions have made these relationships even more important and relevant in today’s work environment. But effective mentoring relationships don’t just happen—there are skills and strategies for successfully creating and leveraging mentoring relationships.

Topics that are covered in the “Creating and Leveraging Effective Mentoring Relationships” series include:

  • Basic definition and characteristics of mentoring, and what distinguishes it from other developmental relationships 
  • Insight into challenges and opportunities inherent in mentoring, particularly across different dimensions of social identity  
  • Guidance on suggested actions to enhance mentoring, from both the Mentor’s and the Mentee’s perspective 
  • Introduction to a process to cultivate mentoring relationships 
  • Checklist of best practices to enable and support effective mentoring relationships

These skills and strategies are delivered through three sessions that mirror the phases found in mentoring relationships:

Session 1: Orientation

  • Introduction of Mentors and Mentees through opening activities 
  • Activities to support mentoring pairs in launching their relationships 
  • Guidelines for navigating the Initiation of the relationship 
  • Structure for next steps (timeline, worksheets, resources)

Session 2: Mid-Point

  • Re-engagement of Mentors and Mentees through opening activities 
  • Acknowledgement of areas of strength as well as challenges facing the pairs
  • Identification of potential areas of Separation 
  • Structure for next steps (reinforce timeline, phase-dedicated worksheets and resources)

Session 3: Conclusion

  • Re-engagement of Mentors and Mentees through opening activities 
  • Celebration of relationship successes and focused learning from relationship challenges
  • Insights on developmental opportunities to enhance workshop sessions 
  • Encouragement for Re-Definition that encourages pairs to stay connected

If you’d like to talk about how I can help your organization and its people become the best they can be, please get in touch.