Franko, D.L., Taylor de Barroso, E., Nawaz, S., Rinehart, J., & Blake-Beard, S. (2023). If not now, when? Leadership development for Black and Latinx faculty. Journal of Faculty Development.
Kroll, J., Blake-Beard, S., O’Neill, R. M. (2022). Women’s Ways of Mentoring: Peer Group Mentorship as a Meaningful Developmental Experience. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning.
Shapiro, M., Rivera-Beckstrom, M., Ingols, C., Blake-Beard, S., Gao, L., O’Neill, R. M., Van Dam, E. (2022). What’s power got to do with it? Seeking gender-equity in organizations through male ally initiatives. Advancing Women in Leadership, 41, 1-12.
Ingols, C., Shapiro, M., & Blake-Beard, S. (2020). Leaders’ “Voices” during the COVID-19 Pandemic: What Can We Learn? American Academy of Business Journal, 1, 28-31.
Blake-Beard, S., Shapiro, M., & Ingols, C. (2020). Feminine? Masculine? Androgynous leadership as a necessity in COVID-19. Gender in Management: An International Journal. Special Issue on Gender and COVID-19.
Kroll, J., Blake-Beard, S., & McMillian-Roberts, K. (2020). An exploration of the peer group mentoring experiences of university female basketball athletes. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 28, 229-252.
Murrell, A. J. & Blake-Beard, S.D. (2017). Mentoring diverse leaders: Creating change for people, processes, and paradigms. New York, NY: Routledge.
Blake-Beard, S. (2015). Confronting paradox: Mentoring relationships as revolutionary in the careers and lives of professional Indian women. In Payal Kumar (Ed.), Unveiling women’s leadership: Identity and the meaning of leadership in India. London, UK: Palgrave MacMillan.
Blake-Beard, S., Krothapalli, V., Halem, J., & Kweder, M. (2015). Pushing against the boundaries of masculinity in Indian culture: Uncovering the possibility of the positive with an eye towards gender diversity and inclusion. In Laura Morgan Roberts, Lynn Wooten, Martin Davidson (Eds.), Positive Organizing in a Global Society. New York, NY: Routledge.
Moore, L., Rajahdy, U., & Blake-Beard, S. (2015). Still too soon to forget?: Making the case for importance of gender in management education. In Maureen Kilgour, Patricia Flynn and Kathyrn Haynes (Eds.), Gender Equality as Challenge for Business and Management Education: Lessons Learned and Challenges Remaining. Leeds, England: Greenleaf Publishing.
O’Neill, R. M., Shapiro, M., Ingols, C., & Blake-Beard, S. (2013). Understanding women’s career goals across ethnic identities. Advancing Women in Leadership, 33, 196-214, 226. Burke, R., Vinnicombe, S., Blake-Beard, S. & Moore, L. (2013). Handbook of research on promoting women’s careers. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Inc. Muller, C. B., Blake-Beard, S.D., Barison, S. J., & Wotipka, C. M. (2013). Learning from the experiences of women of color in MentorNet’s one-on-one program. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 18(4), 315-335.
Shapiro, M., Blake-Beard, S., Carter, S., O’Neill, R., Ingols, C., Bartolozzi, A., & Ogle, M. (2013). Confronting contradictions: Exploring the tensions of women as breadwinners. CGO Insights, No.36. Boston, MA: Center for Gender in Organizations, Simmons School of Management.
Kumar, P. & Blake-Beard, S. D, (2012). What good is bad mentorship?: Proteges’ perceptions of negative mentoring experiences. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 48(1), 79-93.
Agarwal, U. A., Datta, S., Blake-Beard, S. D., Bhargava, S. (2012). Linking LMX, innovative work behavior and turnover intentions: The mediating role of work engagement.” Career Development International, 17(3), 208-230.
Blake-Beard, S. D. Bayne, M. L., Crosby, F. J. & Muller, C. B. (2011). Matching by race and gender in mentoring relationships: Keeping our eyes on the prize. Journal of Social Issues, 67(3), 622-643.
Shapiro, M., Ingols, C. & Blake-Beard, S. (2011). Using power to influence outcomes: Does gender matter? Journal of Management Education, 35, 713-748.
Blake-Beard, S., O’Neill, R., Ingols, C., & Shapiro, M. (2010). “Social sustainability, flexible work arrangements and diverse women.” Gender in Management: An International Journal, 25(5/6), 408-425.
The Cambridge Review Committee. (2010, June 15) Missed opportunities, Shared responsibility: Final report of the Cambridge Review Committee. Cambridge Police Department, Cambridge, MA.
Wasserman, I. & Blake-Beard, S. (2010). “Leading inclusively: Mind-sets, skills and actions for a diverse, complex world.” In K.A. Bunker, D.T. Hall, & K.E. Kram (Eds.), Extraordinary leadership: Addressing the gaps in senior executive development (pp. 197-212). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Shapiro, M., Ingols, C., O’Neill, R. & Blake-Beard, S. (2009). “Making sense of women as career self-agents: Implications for human resource development.” Human Resource Development Quarterly, 20(4), 477-501.
Shapiro, M., Ingols, C., Blake-Beard, S. & O’Neill, R. (2009). “Canaries in the mine shaft: Women signaling a new career model.” People & Strategy, 32(3), 52-59.
Blake-Beard, S.D. (2009). “Mentoring as a bridge to understanding cultural differences.” Adult Learning, 20(1&2), 14-18.
Fletcher, J., Bailyn, L. & Blake-Beard, S. (2009). “Practical pushing: Creating discursive space in organizational narratives.” In J.W. Cox, T. LeTrent-Jones, D. Weir, & M. Voronov (Eds.), Critical management studies at work: Multidisciplinary approaches to negotiating tensions between theory and practice (pp. 82-93). St. Louis, MO: Elsevior.
Hunt, L., LaRoche, G., Blake-Beard, S., Chin, E., Arroyave, M., & Scully, M. (2009). “Cross-cultural connections: Leveraging social networks for women’s advancement.” In M. Barreto, M.K. Ryan & M.T. Schmitt (Eds), The glass ceiling in the 21st century: Understanding barriers to gender equality. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Blake-Beard, S. D., Finley-Hervey, J. A., & Harquail, C. V. (2008). Journey to a different place: Reflections on Taylor Cox’s career and research as a catalyst for diversity education and training. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 7(3), 394-405.
Roberts, D. D., Roberts, L. M., O’Neill, R. M. & Blake-Beard, S. D. (2008). “The invisible work of managing visibility for social change: Insights from the leadership of Dr. Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.” Business & Society, 47(4), 425-458.
Murrell, A. J., Blake-Beard, S. D., Porter, D. & Perkins-Williamson, A. (2008). “Inter-organizational formal mentoring: Breaking through sometimes requires support from the outside.” Human Resource Management, 47(2), 275-294.
Moore, L.L, Blake-Beard, S.D. & Gupta, V. (2008).” Women in management in India: Status, issues and solutions.” NHRD Network Journal, April, 157-166.
Shapiro, M., Ingols, C. & Blake-Beard, S. (2008). “Confronting career double-binds: Implications for women and organizations.” Journal of Career Development, 34(3), 309-333.
Blake-Beard, S.D., Murrell, A.J. & Thomas, D.A. (2007). “Unfinished business: The impact of race on understanding mentoring relationships.” In B.R. Ragins & K.E. Kram (Eds), The handbook of mentoring. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Blake-Beard, S.D., O’Neill, R.M. & McGowan, E. (2007). “Blind dates?: The importance of matching in formal mentoring programs.” In B.R. Ragins & K.E. Kram (Eds), The handbook of mentoring. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Bearman, S., Blake-Beard, S.D., Hunt, L. & Crosby, F.J. (2007). “Future mentoring research: Cutting across mentoring themes and contexts.” In T.D. Allen & L.T. Eby (Eds), Blackwell handbook of mentoring: A multiple perspectives approach. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
Blake-Beard, S.D., Turnball, S., Scully, M.A., Proudford, K., Hunt, L., LaRoche,G., Fanning, K., Porter, J. (2006). “The ties that bind and separate: Creating connection between black and white professional women.” In M.F. Karsten (Ed.), Gender, race and ethnicity in the workplace: Issues and challenges for today’s organization. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
Scully, M.A. & Blake-Beard, S.D. (2006). “Locating class in organizational diversity work: Class as structure, style and process.” In P. Prasad, A. Konrad & J. Pringle (Eds), Handbook of Workplace Diversity. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Blake-Beard, S.D. (2006). “The multicultural organization.” In J. Greenhaus and G. A. Callanan (Eds.), Encyclopedia of career development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Downing, R.A. Crosby, F.J. & Blake-Beard, S.D. (2005). “The perceived importance of developmental relationships on women undergraduates’ pursuit of science.” Psychology of Women Quarterly.
Blake-Beard, S.D. (2005). “The inextricable link between mentoring and leadership.” In L. Coughlin and E. Wingard (Eds), Enlightened Power: How Women Are Transforming the Practice of Leadership. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Blake-Beard, S.D. & Morgan-Roberts, L. (2004). “Releasing the double bind of visibility of minorities in the workplace.” CGO Commentaries No. 4. Boston, MA: Center for Gender in Organizations, Simmons School of Management.
Holvino, E.H. & Blake-Beard, S.D. (2004). “Women discussing their differences: A promising trend.” The Diversity Factor, Summer, 12(3), pp.
Crosby, F.J. & Blake-Beard, S.D. (2004). “Affirmative action: Diversity, merit and the benefit of white people.” In M. Fine, L. Weis, L. Powell and A. Burns (Eds.), Off White: Readings in Power, Privilege and Resistance, publisher, city, page numbers.
Blake-Beard, S.D. (2003). “Critical trends and shifts in the mentoring experiences of professional women.” CGO Insights, No.15. Boston, MA: Center for Gender in Organizations, Simmons School of Management.
Oneil, R.M. & Blake-Beard, S.D. (2002). “Gender barriers to the female mentor – male protégé relationship.” Journal of Business Ethics, 37, 51-63.
Blake-Beard, S.D. (2001). “Mentoring relationships through the lens of race and gender.” CGO Insights, No.10. Boston, MA: Center for Gender in Organizations, Simmons School of Management.
Blake-Beard, S. D. (2001). “Taking a hard look at formal mentoring programs: A consideration of potential challenges facing women.” Journal of Management Development, 20(4), 331-345.
Blake, S.D. (1999). “The costs of living as an outsider within: An analysis of the mentoring relationships and career success of black and white women in the corporate sector.” Journal of Career Development, 26(1), 21-36.
Blake, S. D. (1999). “At the crossroads of race and gender: The mentoring experiences of professional Black women.” In A. Murrell, F. Crosby & R. Ely (Eds.), Mentoring Dilemmas: Developmental Relationships in the Multicultural Organization. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers.
Blake, S.D. (1998). “An Investigation of Cross-Gender Mentoring: Lessons from Harvard University Graduate School of Education’s Urban Superintendent Program.” In H.T. Frierson (Ed.), Diversity in Higher Education Volume 2: Examining Mentoring-Protege Experiences. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Cox, T. H. and Blake, S. (1991). “Managing Cultural Diversity: Implications for Organizational Competitiveness,” Academy of Management Executive, 5(3), 45-56.
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